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Planning Board Minutes 06/02/2016
   Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Members Present:
Chairman Kevin Mara DVM., Richard Moore, Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Matt Cole, Michael Williams and Kristy McIntosh, Secretary.

Others present: Joe Austin, Web Stout, Jack Boender and other members of the public.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Joe Austin- Conditions of approval
Mr. Austin stated that the last time he was at the Planning Board it was the month of April and the Board had asked him to establish an escrow account (with the town) for the purpose of having the town engineer do any inspections that are necessary.  He stated he had a problem with this request since from day one it was only supposed to be about the fire pond. He stated he doesn’t have a problem putting up some money for inspections and wanted the Board to remember that he had started an escrow account the first time around.  Mr. Austin stated, “I’m a little leery about opening Pandora’s box”.  

Mr. Mara stated that the scope of the project is very large and needs to be checked by the Town engineer. The engineer will be checking the existing conditions of the site and doing any inspections necessary.  Mr. Mara stated that $3,000.00 is not an odious amount and establishing an escrow account is the only thing preventing the town from signing the current Mylar plan.  

Mr. Brehm stated that the idea is not to spend the entire $3,000.00, but to have it to get the project started. The amount required may be increased or decreased depending on the number of inspections that are necessary.

Mr. Boender introduced himself to the board as the representative of the lender.  Mr. Boender stated that Mr. Pike, the secretary at the time had told him that everything had been completed on the site.  He also stated that he is concerned about another engineer checking the work and who in turn would be responsible for the work.

Mr. Brehm stated that it’s extremely common for towns to ask developers to set up escrow accounts so the town has a representative to check the work and protect the Town.

Mr. Boender was under the impression that if the Town’s engineer checked the work to be completed, that the Town maintains liability for the project.  

Mr. Brehm stated that the landowner or condominium association would still maintain liability.  The Town is simply requiring the project be built to code.

Mr. Mara stated that it’s prudent that we have an engineer for inspection.

Mr. Moore stated that requiring an engineer is very consistent as to what the Town has done in the past and very consistent to what other town’s do as well.  

The Board advised Mr. Austin to have his engineer contact the Town’s engineer, Heidi Marshall for inspections.  

Mr. Boender made some changes to the permission to inspect form, including changing the name to the corporation, and provisions that the money be put into escrow and any leftover amount be returned.

Mr. Boender paid with a check and Mr. Mara and Ms. McIntosh signed the plans.  The plan will be filed at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds.  

Master Plan update-
Mr. Moore stated that he would like to take a shot at drafting the vision statement before spending the $3,000.00 on the CNRPC.  Mr. Moore looked more closely at the results of the Master Plan Survey and has started analyzing it.

The consensus of the Board was to hold off on involving the CNHRPC and try to do more work together on it first as a Board.

Other Business-
The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2016 for the Master Plan workshop. The next regular meeting will be held on July 7, 2016.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara